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Articles and Chapters

in prep Bjorkman, Bronwyn and Dan Siddiqi. Verb doubling phenomena. In Constraint-Based Morphosyntax: The LrFG Approach, primary authors Ash Asudeh and Dan Siddiqi. Cambridge University Press.
in press Bjorkman, Bronwyn. Verbal Inflection in Distributed Morphology. In Cambridge Handbook of Distributed Morphology. Eds. Artemis Alexiadou, Heidi Harley, and Ruth Kramer. Cambridge University Press.
2022 Bjorkman, Bronwyn. Some structural disanalogies between pronouns and tenses. Canadian Journal of Linguistics. 67(3): 143–165.
[ DOI:10.1017/cnj.2022.26 ] (open access)
2021 Cowper, Elizabeth, Daniel Currie Hall, Bronwyn Bjorkman, Rebecca Tollan, and Neil Banerjee. Investigating the past of the futurate present. In Syntactic Features and the Limits of Syntactic Change. Eds. J. G. Jónsson and T. Eythórsson. Oxford University Press. 210–237.
[ pdf ]
2019 Bjorkman, Bronwyn, Elizabeth Cowper, Daniel Currie Hall, and Andrew Peters. Person and deixis in Heiltsuk pronouns. Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique 64(4): 574–591.
[ DOI:10.1017/cnj.2019.13 ] (open access)
2019 Cowper, Elizabeth, Bronwyn Bjorkman, Daniel Currie Hall, and Neil Banerjee. Illusions of transitive expletives in Middle English. Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 22(3): 211–246.
[ DOI:10.1007/s10828-019-09110-z ]
2019 Bjorkman, Bronwyn and Hedde Zeijlstra. Checking up on φ-Agree. Linguistic Inquiry 50(3):527–569.
[ DOI:10.1162/ling_a_00319 ] [ pdf ]
(Note: Earlier drafts of this paper, including the version on lingbuzz, were titled "Upwards Agree is Superior". This is the same paper, just with a different name.)
2018 Jurgec, Peter and Bronwyn Bjorkman. Indexation to stems and words. Phonology 35(4): 577–615.
[ DOI:10.1017/S0952675718000210 ] [ pdf ]
2018 Bjorkman, Bronwyn. Ergative as perfective oblique. Syntax 21(4): 321–361.
[ DOI:10.1111/synt.12162 ] [ pdf ]
2018 Bjorkman, Bronwyn. Syntactic Structures and Morphology. In Syntactic Structures 60 Years On. Eds. N. Hornstein, H. Lasnik, P. Patel-Grosz, and C. Yang. De Gruyter Mouton. 301–316.
2017 Bjorkman, Bronwyn. Singular they and the syntactic representation of gender in English (squib). Glossa. 2(1): 80.
[ DOI:10.5334/gjgl.374 ] (open access)
2017 Bjorkman, Bronwyn. How to do things with verbs. In A Pesky Set: Papers for David Pesetsky. Eds. C. Halpert, H. Kotek, and C. van Urk. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics volume 80. MITWPL. 10pp.
2017 Bjorkman, Bronwyn and Claire Halpert. In an imperfect world: deriving the typology of counterfactual marking. In Modality across Syntactic Categories. Eds. M. L. Rivero, A. Arregui, and A. Salanova. Oxford University Press. 157–178.
[ pdf ]
2016 Bjorkman, Bronwyn and Elizabeth Cowper. Possession and necessity: from individuals to worlds. Lingua Special Issue: Understanding Possession. Eds. E. Schoorlemmer and B. Le Bruyn. 182: 30–48.
[ DOI:10.1016/j.lingua.2016.02.002 ] [ pdf ]
2016 Bjorkman, Bronwyn and Ewan Dunbar. Finite-state phonology predicts a typological gap in cyclic stress assignment (squib). Linguistic Inquiry 47(2): 351–363.
[ DOI:10.1162/ling_a_00214 ] [ pdf ]
2016 Bjorkman, Bronwyn. Go get, come see: motion verbs, morphological restrictions, and syncretism. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 34(1): 53–91.
[ DOI:10.1007/s11049-015-9301-0 ] [ pdf ]
2014 Bjorkman, Bronwyn. Accounting for unexpected subject gaps in TP coordination. The Linguistic Review 31(3–4): 487–513.
[ DOI:10.1515/tlr-2014-0011 ] [ pdf ]
2013 Bjorkman, Bronwyn. A syntactic answer to a pragmatic puzzle: The case of asymmetric and. In Syntax and Its Limits. Eds. R. Folli, C. Sevdali, and R. Truswell. Oxford University Press. 391–408.
[ pdf ]

Books and Edited Volumes

2022 Anderson, Catherine, Bronwyn Bjorkman, Derek Denis, Julianne Doner, Margaret Grant, Nathan Sanders, and Ai Taniguchi. Essentials of Linguistics (2nd Edition). Open access introductory textbook. eCampus Ontario.
[ available online ]
2022 Bjorkman, Bronwyn, Lex Konnelly, and Lee Airton, guest editors. Special thematic issue of Language and Sexuality, papers from They, Hirself, Em, and You: Nonbinary pronouns in theory and practice. 11(2). 153 pp.
[ DOI:10.1075/jls.11.2 ]
2020 Bjorkman, Bronwyn and Daniel Currie Hall, editors. Contrast and Representations in Syntax. Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics. 336 pp. Oxford University Press.
[ link ]


2011 Bjorkman, Bronwyn. BE-ing default: the Morpohsyntax of Auxiliaries. Doctoral dissertation, MIT. Committee: Sabine Iatridou (chair), David Pesetsky, and Norvin Richards. Available online from DSpace@MIT and lingbuzz.

Proceedings Papers and Other Outputs

2024 Bailey, Laura, Bronwyn Bjorkman, Kirby Conrod, and Caitl Light. Rigor and accessibility: Attitudes towards syntax pedagogy in higher education. Proceedings of LSA 2024.
[ DOI: 10.3765/plsa.v9i1.5694 ]
2024 Asudeh, Ash, Bronwyn Bjorkman, Frances Dowle, Neil Myler, Daniel Siddiqi, and Lisa Sullivan. Fusional morphology, metasyncretism, and secondary exponence: A morphemic, realizational approach to Latin declension. Proceedings of the LFG24 Conference. Publikon: Konstanz. Eds. Miriam Butt, Jamie Y. Findlay and Ida Toivonen. Konstanz: Publikon. 45–68.
[ on LrFG website ]
2023 Bjorkman, Bronwyn, Elizabeth Cowper, Daniel Currie Hall, Dan Siddiqi, and Isabelle Boyer. Limits on pronominal gender: A semantic account of a morphological pattern. Proceedings of NELS 53. GLSA: Amherst.
[ pdf ]
2022 Bjorkman, Bronwyn, Isabelle Boyer, Elizabeth Cowper, Daniel Currie Hall, Louise Koren and Dan Siddiqi. Person and Number in Pronoun Paradigms: A semantic account of a morphological pattern. 2022 CLA Conference Proceedings/Actes du Congrès de l'ACL 2022.
[ link ]
2022 Bjorkman, Bronwyn. Singular they and the syntactic representation of gender in English. Episode of Manuscripted: A podcast of peer-reviewed research manuscripts in spoken form.
[ podcast website ]
2021 Bjorkman, Bronwyn, Elizabeth Cowper, Daniel Currie Hall, Jennice Hinds, Louise Koren and Dan Siddiqi. Morphological upstaging and markedness. 2021 CLA Conference Proceedings/Actes du Congrès de l'ACL 2021.
[ link ]
2021 Bjorkman, Bronwyn. A collection of topic guides for an introductory course in linguistics. Open-access teaching resource.
[ lingbuzz ]
2020 Bjorkman, Bronwyn. Reduplication without segments: verb doubling as prosodic repair. Proceedings of NELS 50. GLSA: Amherst.
[ pdf ]
2018 Bjorkman, Bronwyn and Sali A. Tagliamonte. What can can and can't do. Proceedings of NELS 48. GLSA: Amherst. pp. 87–96.
[ pdf ]
2015 Cowper, Elizabeth, Daniel Currie Hall, Bronwyn Bjorkman, Rebecca Tollan, and Neil Banerjee. There's no future in Old English. 2015 CLA Conference Proceedings/Actes du Congrès de l'ACL 2015.
[ link ]
2015 Bjorkman, Bronwyn and Elizabeth Cowper. Where there is, and why. 2015 CLA Conference Proceedings/Actes du Congrès de l'ACL 2015.
[ link ]
2014 Bjorkman, Bronwyn and Elizabeth Cowper. English modal have. 2014 CLA Conference Proceedings/Actes du Congrès de l'ACL 2014.
[ link ]
2013 Bjorkman, Bronwyn. A syntactic correlate of a semantic asymmetry. Proceedings of NELS 41. GLSA: Amherst.
[ pdf ]
2013 Bjorkman, Bronwyn and Elizabeth Cowper. Inflectional shells and the syntax of causative have. 2013 CLA Conference Proceedings/Actes du Congrès de l'ACL 2013.
[ link ]
2013 Bjorkman, Bronwyn and Claire Halpert. In search of (im)perfection. Proceedings of NELS 42. GLSA: Amherst.
[ pdf ]
2013 Bjorkman, Bronwyn. The syntax of syncretism. Proceedings of NELS 40. GLSA: Amherst.
2013 Bjorkman, Bronwyn. Auxiliaries. In Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics. Ed. Mark Aronoff. New York: Oxford University Press.
[ link ]
2012 Bjorkman, Bronwyn. The crosslinguistic defaultness of be. Coyote Papers Working Papers in Linguistics 20: Proceedings of the Poster Session of WCCFL 29.
2010 Bjorkman, Bronwyn. Morphology and stress in Nez Perce verbs. UBCWPL 29: Proceedings of WSCLA 15.
[ pdf ]
2010 Bjorkman, Bronwyn. Go get, come see. UBCWPL 25: Proceedings of North West Linguistics Conference 2009.
2006 Bjorkman, Bronwyn. Shuswap double reduplication and input-reduplicant faithfulness. McGill Working Papers in Linguistics 20.2. Eds. E. Dobler and Y. Furukawa.

Other Manuscripts

This section contains a few manuscripts that are not in the pipeline to be published anywhere, but that are in a complete enough form to be readable by others.

2019 Bjorkman, Bronwyn. Against licensing in Sequence of Tense (squib). Unpublished manuscript presenting a negative argument against feature licensing accounts of Sequence of Tense phenomena via operations such as Agree or Feature Transmission.
[ pdf ]
2016 Bjorkman, Bronwyn. Building imperfect counterfactuals. Unpublished manuscript slightly revised from a paper presented at the Workshop on Aspect and Modality in 2016, organized by Daniel Altshuler and Ashley Atkins.
[ pdf ]